
Luxurious White Liles Fuchsia Astromelia Bouquet

This beautiful bouquet is composed of white Lilium and fuchsia astromelia with a filling of green leaves composed of gaultheria shallon, lentiscus, and eucalyptus to create the perfect bouquet. The bouquet contains a natural jute bag for the preservation of the bouquet and is carefully shipped in a special box. With this bouquet of natural flowers, we want to pay a special tribute to the city of Córdoba, which is the city of flowers and joy. It has an intense fuchsia color adorned with the pure white of its flowers, providing a very special and overwhelming aroma.

Jerez de la Frontera flowers  -  Spring love Flower Bouquet/Arrangement
Jerez de la Frontera flowers  -  Spring love Flower Bouquet/Arrangement
Jerez de la Frontera flowers  -  Spring love Flower Bouquet/Arrangement
Jerez de la Frontera flowers  -  Spring love Flower Bouquet/Arrangement
Product Code: flor-1967
The picture is an example and the quantity of flowers have illustrative value.
Jerez de la Frontera flowers  -  Spring love Flower Bouquet/Arrangement
Jerez de la Frontera flowers  -  Spring love Flower Bouquet/Arrangement
Jerez de la Frontera flowers  -  Spring love Flower Bouquet/Arrangement
Jerez de la Frontera flowers  -  Spring love Flower Bouquet/Arrangement
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Luxurious White Liles Fuchsia Astromelia Bouquet

  • Elevate your space with our exquisite bouquet featuring white lilium and fuchsia astromelia
  • Lush greenery with gaultheria shallon, lentiscus, and eucalyptus for added vibrancy
  • Perfect gift or centerpiece, bringing elegance and freshness to any occasion
  • Vase not included; enjoy the beauty of nature in this stunning arrangement
  • Ideal for weddings, anniversaries, or to simply brighten someone's day
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